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Web Site temporarily down while we replace it

with a multimedia new portal into the project and behind the scenes of what we do.

Please scroll below to view some of our projects over the years.

Much more is coming, soon.....

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Studio was responsible for the product Design, prototypes, packaging design, and Manufacturing for Plush dolls, Mugs, and Tiki Bowls.


Studio designed and sculpted

marblesque portraits of the Famous Kardashian Clan for a feature for Cosmo.

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design, engineering of Computer mouse that is wrapped a silicone cover fidget shape to be used by people with ADHD

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A novelty Drink Company that the studio owned. All product was designed. prototyped and manufactured by the studio.

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Studio created the fine art and cosmetics crossover with a sculpted resin sculpture to hold the the bottle for the Skin serum.

the bottle for the skin serum was designed by the studio and we oversaw the production in France at the bottle company.

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The Weble is  a new game that the studio conceived of, test played, modeled, and engineered.

Puzzle Cube with 3D textured facets. This was conceived of and developed by the studio and is up for licensing.

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Bellybuds are skin safe speakers desgined to be worn on a pregnant womans stomach to play music to the baby en utero that the Studio was part owner of.

Studio conceived of, designed, engineered,

Designed packaging, and manufactured everything about this product line.

Kehinde Wiley statues, Studio used 3D scanning and 3D sculpting to product fine art busts for the artist Kehinde Wiley.

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Translated the Dalek 2D images into 3D object and sculpted them for roto molding.


The studio designed this character for playfair, which was an independant play

event in NYC. The studio designed the characters, modeled the characters, designed packaging and manufactured the product.

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Sculpting of iconic G.I. Joe characters.

Including all organic features and all engineered articulations.

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The Kord is an Iphone case that houses retractable earbuds inside.

This model was for the Iphone 7 and was made in  accordance with Apple direction and was granted official MFI (made for iphone) Apple status.


Design, Emgineered and manufacured the snappi boat cleaning tool.

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Studio Sculpted the likeness of Ozzy and made the body for rigid vinyl casting.

Studio created the costume and supplied templates of patterns for production.

Studio commissioned a hair stylist to create the mock-up wig for factory hair implanting patterns and styiling.

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